Asia Pacific is the world’s 3rd largest pharma market, and it’s changing. Asia is becoming a clinical trials destination, a hotbed of biotech innovation and a place where world-class breakthrough therapies are being developed.

So in 2020, we changed too. We took ten years of expertise bringing together Asia’s biopharma and biotech players and channeled it into a brand new event focusing on the exciting future potential of Asia’s pharma and biopharma industry.

Welcome to Phar-East.

Phar-East is a premium closed-door conference held annually in Singapore for the Asian Pharma and Biotech industry. The 2019 edition took place in March and continued to set a strong precedent with an attendance of targeted delegates, brought together from 29 countries, along with the 120 specialist speakers who captivated the audience throughout both days.

Returning again in June, Phar-East 2020 will continue with the ever-popular conference tracks covering Immunotherapy Pharma 4.0 Market Access & Pricing through to Biotech Investment and the new Bio-Data stream.

Also new for 2020 is the Start-Up Innovation Zone , where over 50 start-ups will be on exhibition floor, which combined with an expected overall attendance of 1000+ should make for an excellent show.

Join industry leaders across Asia and beyond at Asia’s Pharma & Biotech Festival and be a part of Asia’s fastest growing pharmaceutical and biotech market! 



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Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 60 Editrice Industriale è associata a:


Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 59

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