Mar 04, 2020 03:00 PM CET (1 hr)

Presented by Rik Pepermans, who will share his experience at Unilever as a researcher, IT manager of its largest food lab, and strategist on the digital transformation of its global R&D.

Rik will explain how the implementation of the Electronic Lab Notebook at Unilever started with a critical assessment of its R&D core process and showed the way to connect stronger to the business.

In a data-driven company, relevant measurement results must propagate from the lab bench to the decision makers’ table, swift and error-free. Ultimately, computer simulations replace making and evaluating trial products in the lab to reach the required speed of innovation. Rik will explain that this is not the end of the lab but a new start.

Let’s have a look at the food economy! It is bigger and more diverse than you probably assume. Moreover, there is more innovation for the food economy happening than the statistics suggest, but it´s not always traditional science.

Chemistry is a good example of the changing role of sciences in food R&D. As a consequence, an Electronic Lab Notebook, #ELN, is still a good start to digitalise a food lab, but must be fit for the industry.

The focus on fast output of the food industry as an FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) requires more than to digitise the paper-based processes. The consequences of a measurement have to propagate to the decisions makers, swift and error-free. Ultimately, computer simulations replace making and evaluating trial products in the lab to reach the required speed of innovation.



  • Learn about the food economy and its innovation
  • Understand how business needs drive the digital transformation of foods labs
  • Get inspired by the speed and efficiency of innovation in the foods industry as an FMCG



  • Executives and managers in food industries responsible for the digital transformation of R&D
  • Executives and managers responsible for the digital transformation of R&D in any industries willing to learn about speed from FMCG
  • Pre-sales and salespeople from vendors of digital tools for R&D targeting food industries
  • Anybody that dares to be challenged in their vision on the digital aspects of R&D



Online presentation and Q&A session with presenter.

Access to recorded session.




Organized by

Paperless Lab Academy 2020



#webinar #virtual #digital #online #live

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