VICI supports your Laboratory Gas Generator requirements

1 Gennaio 2017

VICI AG International is ready to support your Laboratory Gas Generator requirements


For 50 years, the VICI Group (VICI AG International, Switzerland & VICI Valco Instruments Co. Inc., U.S.) has been the leading designer and manufacturer of standard and custom valves and fittings for precision analytical, biomedical, and biocompatible instrumentation.

With the acquisition of DBS Strumenti Scientifici S.p:A and Schmidlin the VICI Valco Group broadens its array of products for the analytical industry. This includes temperature control accessories for chemical analysis and a range of hydrogen, nitrogen and air generators for analytical instruments such as GC, GC/MS and LC/MS. Under the VICI DBS brand products are designed and manufactured at the VICI facility in Padova, Italy with administration and technical support from VICI AG International in Schenkon, Switzerland.

VICI AG has engaged a number of highly experienced sales specialist to support the Laboratory Gas Generator business. Combined with distributers, OEM`s and service partners in more than 50 countries VICI DBS is now ready to serve and support new and existing customers, along with the 1,000`s of DBS/Schmidlin generators installed worldwide.

For additional information and product support please contact VICI AG as above or your local VICI DBS distributor or contact


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