bioMérieux new logotype and brand identity!

19 Marzo 2018
bioMérieux new logotype

bioMérieux has chosen to develop a new logotype and brand identity


The Company’s product brands have also been aligned and federated under the bioMérieux brand, so as to make product offering clearer and more recognizable for the customers.

For more than 50 years, bioMérieux has been working to advance public health through in vitro diagnostics. This change reflects a strong brand positioning that supports the Company’s strategy, mainly focused on the diagnosis of infectious diseases.

The bioMérieux’s new identity remains true to its history and to its roots. It marks bioMérieux’s determination to move forward and to continue to support you, the customers, in responding to today’s increasingly complex healthcare challenges.

The Company’s teams do their utmost, every day, to enable healthcare professionals to make a difference, by making the right decision at the right time, for patients and consumers around the world.

Source: bioMérieux Italia

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