Advanced Engineering 2018, Gand (Belgium)

16 - 17 Maggio 2018
Flanders Expo Maaltekouter 1 9051 Gent (Belgium)

Advanced Engineering è un nuovo evento per la creazione e la produzione di prodotti innovativi. In questa fiera troverai tutto per rendere i tuoi prodotti a prova di futuro a partire dal design e dalla copertura di tutti gli aspetti di processo. 

Programma del  16 maggio 2018

09:45: Benvenuto

10.00: Introduzione del Ministro dell’Innovazione fiammingo, Philippe Muyters

10.05 – 10.50: Umicore materials solutions for sustainable mobility-  Prof Dr. Ir, Egbert Lox, Senior Vice President, Umicore

10.50 – 11.30: More space for you –  Sam Waes, Esa Technology Broker

11.30- 12.30: The day after tomorrow –  Peter Hinssen, Chairman & Co-Founder, Nexxworks

12.30 – 14.00: Networklunch with speakers and captains of industry

14.00 – 16.00: In-depth sessions – 16/05 afternoon – choose one out of three

Programma del 17 magio 2018

09.45: Benvenuto

10.00 – 10.45: The future of aerospace and aeronautical with the Hyperloop – Thomas Lambot, Aerospace Engineer, NASA Research Center | Lead Engineer & Co-Founder, rLoop Incorporated working on the SpaceX Hyperloop Top 50 Belgian Tech-Pioneers and Saskia Peters, Project Manager | Holland Innovative, rLoop

10.45 – 11.45: Whaf if, you don’t invest in innovation, technology & people? – Eric Van Zele, Ex-CEO Barco, bestuurder Van de Wiele | Trends-manager van het jaar 2013

11.45 – 12.30: Technology at the edge of human – Servaas Bingé, Ploegdokter Wielerploeg Lotto Soudal Bert Celis, Co-Founder, Flanders’ Bike Valley Wielrenner als ervaringsdeskundige (TBC)

12.30 – 14.00: Networklunch with the speakers and captains of industry

14.00 – 16.00: In-depth sessions – 17/05 afternoon – choose one out of five

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