Africa Health 2017, Johannesburg (South Africa)

07 - 09 Giugno 2017
Africa Health
Gallagher Convention Center Johannesburg South Africa

Africa Health is the largest platform in the continent for international and local companies to meet, network and do business with the ever-growing African healthcare market.

CONNECT with your existing clients or partners and reach new healthcare industry professionals to build productive business contacts.

SHOWCASE your latest products and solutions to a room full of potential buyers, distributors, dealers and suppliers from across the globe.

STAY ONE STEP AHEAD OF YOUR COMPETITION in a growing healthcare market in Africa.

EXPOSE YOUR BRAND to a targeted audience of healthcare professionals before, during and after the show through our year round promotional activities.

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Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 59

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