Medlab Asia, Bangkok (Thailand)

20 - 22 Ottobre 2021
Medlab Asia 2024
IMPACT Exhibition & Convention Center

Following successful relocation of Asia Health and Medlab Asia to Bangkok, Thailand, the 2021 edition is set to bring together healthcare and laboratory communities from ASEAN countries to network, learn and do business. The event will be co-organised by Impact Muang Thong Thani.

Medlab Asia and Asia Health will be giving you the Live and Online experience at no additional cost. For those unable to travel, the online platform offers you weeks worth of access to networking, business exchange and educational talks. The live in-person event will offer three days of face-to-face meetings, conferences, cutting-edge products and so much more.

The Asia-Pacific healthcare industry reflects a continuous growth year on year. The region is estimated to be one of the fastest growing economies. Tapping into this, we bring to you two co-located shows Asia Health and Medlab Asia, that welcomes a strong distributor audience making up 40% of overall attendees.

Asia Health and Medlab Asia is a one-stop-shop for all your healthcare and medical laboratory sourcing and procurement needs at various price points.

The educational agenda of the congress aims to equip healthcare and medical laboratory professionals, with technical skill sets, research findings, and recommendations on all healthcare and lab related topics. Led by a strong scientific committee, the congress ensures that current issues and innovations are at the centre of all programs.

The online event will be held from the 27th of October until the 19th of November 2021.


Register here


The event will be co-located with:

Asia Health

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Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 60 Editrice Industriale è associata a:


Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 59

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