TIHE 2022, Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
12 - 14 Aprile 2022

UzExpro center ,Exhibation hall, International Hotel, Amir Temur Avenue, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Manda una mail
TIHE is the leading exhibition in the medicine and healthcare field in Uzbekistan!
Today, as before, TIHE remains a key event for the medical community of Uzbekistan – it is an authoritative professional platform where the latest world achievements in the medicine and healthcare field are demonstrated.
TIHE has no analogues in terms of scale, composition of exhibitors and visitors, and the number of represented brands. Since its foundation (1995), about 3000 companies participated in the exhibition, the geography of exhibitors covered almost all continents, including Europe, Asia, America and Africa.
TIHE exhibition is represented by the main thematic sections:
TIHE – medical technology and equipment, laboratory;
Stomatology Uzbekistan – equipment and technologies for dentistry;
AptekaExpo Central Asia – medicines and medical supplies;
TechPharm Central Asia – equipment and technologies for pharmaceutical production.
Being an authoritative professional platform, the exhibition annually brings together doctors of various specializations, pharmacists, government officials and business representatives from different countries. Exhibitors of TIHE are manufacturers and suppliers of medical and laboratory equipment, consumables, medical devices, pharmaceutical companies, etc.
Exhibition supported by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan; National Chamber of Innovative Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Tashkent State Dental Institute; Dori-Darmon Joint Stock Company and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
TIHE 2021 Fact and Figures:
The Organisers express their great gratitude and appreciation to the companies that were able to come and take part in the TIHE 2021 exhibition in the conditions of the global pandemic.
Professional visitors: 4 625 from 6 countries
Number of participants – 104 companies and brands: 49% domestic, 51% international, 27% debutants, 63% regular participants.
Geography of participants – 9 countries: Kazakhstan, China, Republic of Belarus, Italy, Republic of Korea, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Czech Republic.
Collective stands: collective stand of Penza (Russia), collective stand of the Moscow region (Russia).
In 2019, TIHE passed an international exhibition audit and confirmed the status of the UFI Approved Event.