Augmented Diagnostics – From test results to Actionable Insights, Parma (Italy)

25 Ottobre 2023
Cibus Tec - Fiere di Parma, Viale Delle Esposizioni, Parma, PR, Italia

Always alongside our customers to provide smarter and more dynamic Risk Assessment in Food Safety and Quality Control, moving from Test results to Actionable Insights, to help them ultimately provide Consumers safe products of the highest quality.

Our suite of solutions is based on rigorous science, technology expertise, data science and an innovative spirit.

Whilst adapting to consumers’ new food experience, the food industry is also undergoing major changes challenging the way our customers need to approach food safety and quality.

Our commitment remains to be your trusted partner for this new era, to help feed the world with safe, high quality and sustainable food.

We accompany our customers along the entire production value-chain, by providing them :

  • Smarter and more dynamic Risk Assessment
  • Moving from Test results to Actionable Insights
  • To ultimately help you provide safe products of the highest quality for Consumers

During this speech you will discover how we change the game, thanks to the entire Augmented Diagnostics ecosystem we developped around Microbiology Expertise, Genomics, Bio-Informatics and Data Science. Through concrete examples in the Food Industry, we will describe how to accelerate your Industry 4.0 goal, how to better manage the root cause analysis, and how take advantage of all your data in Food Safety & Quality.


Speaker: Guillaume Dancoisne EMEA Business Development Manager for Augmented Diagnostics


ORE 11.00 – 12.00 c/o LabWorld Arena di Cibus Tec



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Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 60 Editrice Industriale è associata a:


Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano in data 07.02.2017 al n. 59

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